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Caryn Bosson
Mar 10, 20192 min read
Listen up, leaders
"Poor listening is the common cold of leadership," says emotional intelligence author Daniel Goleman. Sadly, it's all too easy for...

Caryn Bosson
Dec 31, 20182 min read
For Board Chairs & Executive Directors, the relationship is everything
Sure, to be an effective working team, nonprofit board chairs and executive directors need to understand their roles, responsibilities,...

Caryn Bosson
Feb 27, 20181 min read
Beyond what nonprofits can do
Nonprofits organize society to make the world a better place, but it's our individual, everyday actions that can be the most powerful...

Caryn Bosson
Dec 28, 20173 min read
Let's hear it for stupid questions
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool Than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” If you are a nonprofit board member, you...

Caryn Bosson
Dec 12, 20174 min read
Non-Disaster Preparation
My hometown of Ojai is only accessible by four two-lane roads, any or all of which can be cut off at any time. During the Thomas Fire,...
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