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Caryn Bosson
Dec 31, 20182 min read
For Board Chairs & Executive Directors, the relationship is everything
Sure, to be an effective working team, nonprofit board chairs and executive directors need to understand their roles, responsibilities,...

Caryn Bosson
Jul 29, 20182 min read
Growing up is hard to do: Next-stage nonprofits and shifts in board roles
While the archetypical Silicon Valley origin story involves a couple of guys working in a garage, nonprofits tend to be launched by a few...

Caryn Bosson
May 20, 20182 min read
“Stay out of my lane!” Rules of the road for nonprofit leaders
A beleaguered executive director once complained to me about a board member who loved to play “boss.” This board officer would “check in...

Caryn Bosson
Mar 12, 20182 min read
We all do better when we all do better: Kim Klein at Pepperdine
From the 1980s to the 2000s, my desk, at whatever nonprofit I was working at, always had a pile of well-thumbed issues of The Grassroots...

Caryn Bosson
Dec 28, 20173 min read
Let's hear it for stupid questions
“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool Than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” If you are a nonprofit board member, you...

Caryn Bosson
Nov 3, 20171 min read
How can nonprofit board members become better leaders?
A strong board is key for the success of any nonprofit, and becoming a strong board takes work. Many volunteer board members find there...

Caryn Bosson
Oct 22, 20173 min read
Coaching moves us forward
Play, purpose, and potential. Ideally this is what we have in our work, and what we grow through our work. That’s what I learned...

Caryn Bosson
Oct 16, 20174 min read
Three Stumbling Blocks Of Nonprofit Boards
In a perfect world, nonprofit board and staff leadership would coordinate as gracefully together as dance partners gliding across the...
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